Wednesday, January 27, 2016

One of my most embarrassing moments in my life

One of my most embarrassing moments in my life was when I was in 6th grade. I had to present my digital portfolio in Ms. Ha's class. This was embarrassing because since I didn't start on my portfolio, I had nothing to say and there were a lot of students looking at me. I really wish I finished my portfolio on zohosites. I also made a bunch of excuses of why I didn't finish my digital portfolio and Ms. Ha got really disappointed at me.

Friday, January 22, 2016

Where else in the world would I be

I would want to be in South Korea because the country has the world's fastest internet connection speed and the most advanced mobile data network so that I can play with electronics more easily. Another reason I'd want to be in S. Korea is because I have only been there since the 2014 summer vacation in July. Also, most of my family members in Korea are surprised to see me since 2014 so I hope that they would be happy to see me again if I come back next time. I also like the food that they make there like kimchi (which is a type of pickle) and many other stuff. The first chart below shows the top 15 countries by 4g lte penetration. 
1 South Korea97%
2 Japan90%
3 Hong Kong86%
4 Kuwait86%
5 Singapore84%
6 Uruguay84%
7 Kazakhstan81%
8 Netherlands80%
9 Bahrain79%
10 United States78%
11 Sweden78%
12 China76%
13 Qatar75%
14 Australia74%
15 Estonia74%

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

My Last Meal

 If I chose what to eat before I die, I would eat a Carl's Jr Super Size burger because I like the meat and the sauces that are put in the burger. Besides, Carl's Jr is one of my favorite hamburger resteraunts. They sometimes put freshly cooked bacon in it with oil; and honey mustard.

Friday, January 15, 2016

5 websites that I visit for fun and 5 websites that I visit for school

When I do things on my own time, I visit I also like to visit,,, and The school websites I visit are,,,, and

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

If you were stuck on a deserted island, what three things would you want there with you?

I would want a solar-powered Galaxy phone that can be used anywhere so that I can call transport. I'd also want enough food to last me for a few days so that I won't starve to death by the time my transport gets here. Finally, I would want a house with solar panels for electricity so that I can live there until my transport arrives.

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Who is the most important person in your life or role model and why?

The most important person in my life is Mr. Johnson, the PE teacher because PE is one of my favorite classes. We get to do fun activities in his class like Capture the Flag and Hunter Hawks. The activities are also easy because instead of sitting down writing papers, we get to exercise and I like the rewards he gives us for being good. He is also amusing sometimes.

Thursday, January 7, 2016

If you had a million dollars, how would you spend it?

If I had a million dollars, I would first buy a huge hotel to make myself comfortable. Then I would buy an ATM so that I could get more money because a hotel costs a lot of money. Then, I'd go to a Korean restaurant to spend my money on delicious foods to eat. Then, I would spend my money on a new phone to watch YouTube and play mobile games. I would then buy a PS3 console, a PS3 controller, and The Last of Us game because it is one of my favorite video games. Finally, I would spend all my money on buying a mobile data extender device.

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

What I did over winter break

I didn't really do much over Winter Break. All I did was finish my math packet on the first 4 days and then I stayed at home playing with my phone because after finishing my math packet, there was really nothing to do. Then, on last Monday to Wednesday, I had a retreat for my church. But we had to stay at the church due to lack of community service. This surprised me a little because during most retreats we go to the mountains for a few days during the summer and the winter. But it was better anyway. After the retreat, I went home and played with my phone again. Winter Break felt short because the days are short in the winter.