Thursday, March 31, 2016

My own holiday

Actually, I don't know what to call my holiday because I don't fell like doing that. But I have had some exciting moments during my life. I'm just not going to tell you what they are.

What I want to do when I grow up.

If I grew up, I would want to be in the US military as my job. But I'm still thinking about what part of the military I should be in: The National Guard, the Marines, or for NATO and the UN.
The kind of family that I'd want would be smart, strong, and a respectful family; that way, my future family can have good money, good education, and a better job. The amount of kids that I'd want would be 2 kids because if my family had only one child, we wouldn't be able to pass on our generations. I would want to live in a very expensive home so that me, my wife, and my children in the future can fell comfortable. Besides, I never lived in an expensive home before.

Monday, March 28, 2016

What I did over Spring Break

During Spring Break, I stayed home for the entire 5 days. While I was staying home, I played with my dad's phone, his computer, and my little brother's computer. I couldn't play with them much because my dad had to work and my little brother wouldn't let me play with his computer a lot. I t was kind of boring but since mom was out at work early, I got to play without my mom getting mad. Also, whenever I played with my dad's phone, my brother sometimes with ask me to give it to him so that I couldn't play. So I couldn't do much over Spring Break. I went to the California Science Center and the National History Museum on Saturday and it was a lot of fun. But I got so tired and it was really hot so when I went home, I started playing with my phone and started taking a nap. My goal for this quarter is to just do well in school and move on to 8th grade.