Tuesday, November 1, 2016

What I experienced from my abduction by aliens.

I was going on a hike in the mountains with my friends for a few hours. It was exhausting so we stopped and went back to our camp for a break when suddenly, a flying saucer came by and sucked us all up into the alien ship. When we were inside, we were put in different cells and the opening was sealed by some kind of a force field. There weren't any other openings in the cell when suddenly, the force field was malfunctioning and turned off. I managed to sneak out and found 1 of my group members plus a national guardsman.

We managed to free the other hostages because the force field was controlled by a control panel. We explored the ship a little bit and stole some of the alien weapons until we were spotted by alien guards and were fired upon. We managed to kill some of the aliens with the weapons that we stole form them, but they killed most of my group members. Luckily, we found the main control panel and found ourselves a way out. The national guardsman called for reinforcements, and we destroyed the alien ship.

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

What I did over Fall Break

I invited Brandon Min over to my house on Monday and we watched Star Wars: The Force Awakens and it was really fun. But for most of the week, I stayed home and played with my phone. On Thursday, my mom had to get a new job so she went to a job interview while I stayed at the library. Thursday was just kind of regular, I just kind of stayed home and played with my phone.

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

The proudest moments in my life so far would be...

One of the proudest moments in my life is when I went to S. Korea in 2014, and it was great. The thing that lead me to that moment was when my mom planned the trip to Korea to see my grandmother who was in a hospital. It made me feel excited because I've always wanted to travel to Korea to see what it was like. The help I had to get there was my mom and my little brother. I didn't even struggle to get there.

Another 1 of my proudest moments in my life was when I went to L. Vegas during this year's summer break and it was awesome! The thing that lead me to that moment was when I asked my parents if we could all go together. It made me feel great because ever since I went to Vegas as a child, I've always wanted to go there again. I did struggle sometimes to get there, but it was also exhausting to get back. The help I got to get there was my parents.

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

I believe...

I believe that I'll be able to do well in school & pass. I believe that I'll have a great life after school ends for me. I believe that I'll be able to do better in the next school year. I believe that work will be harder for me later on. I believe that I'll be able to get the required amount of OTCU goals by the end of the school year. I believe that things around RKMS will keep changing. I believe that I'll make new friends in 9th grade, but keep some of the old ones. I believe that I'll pass all my classes. I believe that world will come to peace. I believe that the Global War on Terror will come to an end.

Monday, June 6, 2016

My favorite memory of this school year and why.

My favorites memory of this school year is when I got to use my phone in ELA class last month on a Friday because I finished my religious essay. This was my favorite memory of this school year because I got to play with my phone and watch some YouTube videos like mcjuggernuggets. Besides, Mcjuggernuggets is a really funny youtube channel. I even got to eat snacks and watch a movie. 

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Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Liberating the Internet

What are some challenges that Whael Ghonim say about facing today's social media?

First, the rumors that people spread by bias are also believed by millions of people worldwide.

Second, we create our own echo chambers, we only tend to talk to people that we agree with.

Third, online discussions descend into angry mobs. All of us probably know that. 

Fourth, it's hard to change our opinions so we happen to keep them.

Fifth, you can't have deep conversations, only shallow conversations.

Question 2: What are some suggestions Wael Ghonim tells his audience for how we can "liberate the Internet"?

Suggestion 1: We need to work hard on figuring out how technology could be part of the 
solution rather than part of the problem.

Suggestion 2: We also need tho think about effective crowdsourcing mechanisms, to fact-check widely spread online information, and reward people who take part in that. In essence, we need to rethink today's social media ecosystem and redesign its experiences to reward thoughtfulness, civility, and mutual understanding

Suggestion 3: As a believer in the Internet, I teamed up with a few friends, started a new project, trying to find and explore probabilities. Our first product is a new media platform for conversations.