Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Liberating the Internet

What are some challenges that Whael Ghonim say about facing today's social media?

First, the rumors that people spread by bias are also believed by millions of people worldwide.

Second, we create our own echo chambers, we only tend to talk to people that we agree with.

Third, online discussions descend into angry mobs. All of us probably know that. 

Fourth, it's hard to change our opinions so we happen to keep them.

Fifth, you can't have deep conversations, only shallow conversations.

Question 2: What are some suggestions Wael Ghonim tells his audience for how we can "liberate the Internet"?

Suggestion 1: We need to work hard on figuring out how technology could be part of the 
solution rather than part of the problem.

Suggestion 2: We also need tho think about effective crowdsourcing mechanisms, to fact-check widely spread online information, and reward people who take part in that. In essence, we need to rethink today's social media ecosystem and redesign its experiences to reward thoughtfulness, civility, and mutual understanding

Suggestion 3: As a believer in the Internet, I teamed up with a few friends, started a new project, trying to find and explore probabilities. Our first product is a new media platform for conversations. 

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