Monday, April 4, 2016

What are your goals for this quarter in Technology and all you classes?

My goals for this quarter is to get my grades up again and improve on my work. But the thing that's preventing me from doing this is that I am lazy sometimes. The class that I am most worried about is Math 7 Honors because since we are learning 8th grade and high school math, I am struggling to get my grades up and in danger of getting kicked out of Honors. I am also failing other classes like ELA and Science. But hopefully, I can improve my grades by not being lazy and finishing my homework on time so that I can pass my classes. But for now, I'm not satisfied with my grades.
1.   70% in ELA  
2.  70% in Math
3.  70% Cumulative Class Average (CCA)
4.  Progress in Reading Fluency and Pass 6/7 Required Books at Color Reading Level
5.  Pass 2 out of 4 Benchmark Writing Exams with a score of 3 or higher
6. Students need to have met 4 out of 5 goals to promote to the next grade level.

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